
Welcome to the Battle for America! Please feel free to leave comments that encourage friendly discourse; posts with swear words will be deleted.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Washington Has Failed; A Citizens Revolt Is Launched

A new day has come in America. The people’s representatives have failed them. In previous eras—the citizens elected their government officials and expected them to look after their best interests while they worked hard to provide not only for their families but for society.

Now, this is no longer true. Elected officials in Washington no longer care what their constituents want. They function as an aristocracy subject to no one. They portray the viewpoint that they know best what America needs.

A citizens revolt has begun. This revolt is not being driven by radicals or terrorists as one elected representative claimed but by the average citizen who realizes they can no longer trust their elected officials to represent them in Washington. This is not about a political party but this is about returning America to the ideas and principles that made it a great nation.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prayer for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

“Do not let your heart be troubled, trust in God.” (John 14:1)


We pray for revival. Bring revival in our families in our nation. We pray for spiritual awakening in America.

Dr. Patrick Morley (a Florida businessman who founded Man in the Mirror, a non-profit organization to help men find meaning and purpose in life) writes about revivals in America: The Great Awakening (1734-43); The Second Great Awakening (1800-1840); The Businessmen’s Revival of 1857; The Civil War Revival (1861-65); The Urban Revivals (1875-1885); The Revivals of 1905-06; The Azusa Street Revival (1906); The Post World War Awakening; the Charistmatic Renewal and Jesus Movement; the 1970 Asbury College Revival, the mid-1990s Revivals; and The Promise Keepers Revival.

We can now ask: “Is America Ripe for Revival Today?” How can we hasten revival today? Dr. Morley suggests humble repentant prayer. “Let us pray that God will have mercy on us all.”

Monday, March 22, 2010

Christians Arise!

“Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.” (Psalm 80: 3, 7, 19)
Christians in America have given over their nation to the concept that “bigger government” will take care of us and save us. We have given ourselves over to fiscal irresponsibility. We have kept ourselves out of the world—not realizing that it was Jesus who though not of the world engaged the world with His gospel. We have isolated ourselves and “shrunk” the Church so that it is irrelevant to the majority of those who are engaged in life (and live beyond themselves).
Lord, forgive us for not seeing how we need to steward all of life. Forgive us for being divided. Forgive us for concentrating just on ourselves. Forgive us for turning our backs on life in the United States and in the world.
It is time for Christians to arise and become “true citizens” of the Kingdom. Let us, arise!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Choosing Jesus


Forgive us for yielding to selfish diversions. We are consumed with sports, recreation, and entertainment and we cannot see what is happening in America.

Others, see what is happening but are selling the nation for “perks” or “personal benefits” thinking that is good politics. We’re divided and blinded on the true battle for America. We are willing to accept the “bad” so that we can gain what we perceive as “personal advantage.” We are willing to broker deals with the devil himself, believing we can come out ahead. What a lie! Actions taken with these notions results in loss of freedom as we become slaves to hell. We deserve this judgment.

Is there not a true “hope” for us. A hope not brokered by the slogans of a man or a political campaign but “hope” that arises from lifting up the name of Jesus Christ. From returning to our heritage as a Christian nation—from turning back to the one and true God.

Jesus, we call upon you to bring us revival. Jesus, we call upon you to come and visit us once again. We ask your forgiveness for turning our backs on you. We choose to surrender to your authority. We choose you—Jesus--to be our Lord and Saviour!

Two Demons of the Flesh


Forgive us for yielding to the two demons of the flesh (gluttony and sex).

We as a nation have allowed ourselves to be consumed by the flesh. Our judgment for falling into our vices is to take away our freedoms that were a gift from you and subject us to the collective rule of government—a socialistic system that others are imposing upon us.

Let us arise once more—realizing that our freedom comes from you—that you are the ultimate “freedom” and with that “freedom” comes responsibility toward others.

You want us to focus on those who have no “freedom” because of their sin and to those whose “freedom” has been unjustly taken away. Bring back compassion and caring to us as a people. Let us see the wickedness of our ways.

Have mercy on us. Forgive us, for the sake of the babies and the elderly. Have mercy and compassion on them.

Prayer For Forgiveness

Dear Lord,

Forgive us O Lord for killing babies. Forgive us O Lord for using our tax money to support the killing of babies. Forgive us O Lord for taking away conscience from those Christians in the medical field who would say “No, to abortion.”

Let those of us, who are grieved, still stand up and say “Let my voice be counted as one that says ‘No to abortion.”

Forgive us, O Lord for separating the sacred from the secular and allowing our country to get to the point where abortion is the law.

Feeling Unprepared but still preparing my daily offering

Dear Lord,

It is you who prepares me for the task of this hour. It is you who says, “I choose the appointed time.” (Psalm 75:2). It is you “who judges uprightly when the earth and all its people quake.” (Psalm 75: 3). It is you “who holds its pillars firm.”

God is bringing His judgment. “He brings one down and exalts another.” (Psalm 75:7).

Lord, I present to you my daily offering this day. Let it be an aroma pleasing to you (Numbers 28:2). Take the little I have and multiply it. Take my life and let it be pleasing to you. Lift up your righteousness over the land. We give you America.

We lift your banner up over America. Take the offering that I give you this day and may it be pleasing unto you.

Feeling Insignificant

Dear Lord,

How can we win the Battle For America? How can you use me as your servant—your instrument?

Yesterday, I was tormented by my insignificance. The attack was straight from hell.

My sinfulness was exposed. Yes, I am unrighteous. Yes, I am a sinner. But what else is new?

I know that when I yield to you, I am made righteous because you (Christ) lives in me. It is to your glory that you choose to use your creation to do your work.

This morning, I surrender myself for your glory—for your purposes.

Lord, use me as your instrument. May you be glorified. I surrender the United States of America under your banner. Use this nation once again. Come to this nation once again. Forgive us for our sins. We deserve your judgment I know.

However, we ask for your mercy. Let your children know the error of their ways. Let us wake up before it is too late. Let us once again be the beacon you have called us to be to the rest of the world. Let our nation be the beacon of freedom and hope for other nations. Let us be a blessing for others. Let us return to our Christian roots. Let us remember that we are a nation under God. You are our one and only true God. Let us return to you. Raise up once again, fathers and mothers that can truly love not only each other but their children as you have loved us. Come visit our land once again. Come dwell among us. Lead us by day and lead us by night. We choose to be your people. We welcome you. We want your Presence. We surrender to you. We love you. Be glorified this day. You are the one and only true God!