Dear Lord,
How can we win the Battle For America? How can you use me as your servant—your instrument?
Yesterday, I was tormented by my insignificance. The attack was straight from hell.
My sinfulness was exposed. Yes, I am unrighteous. Yes, I am a sinner. But what else is new?
I know that when I yield to you, I am made righteous because you (Christ) lives in me. It is to your glory that you choose to use your creation to do your work.
This morning, I surrender myself for your glory—for your purposes.
Lord, use me as your instrument. May you be glorified. I surrender the United States of America under your banner. Use this nation once again. Come to this nation once again. Forgive us for our sins. We deserve your judgment I know.
However, we ask for your mercy. Let your children know the error of their ways. Let us wake up before it is too late. Let us once again be the beacon you have called us to be to the rest of the world. Let our nation be the beacon of freedom and hope for other nations. Let us be a blessing for others. Let us return to our Christian roots. Let us remember that we are a nation under God. You are our one and only true God. Let us return to you. Raise up once again, fathers and mothers that can truly love not only each other but their children as you have loved us. Come visit our land once again. Come dwell among us. Lead us by day and lead us by night. We choose to be your people. We welcome you. We want your Presence. We surrender to you. We love you. Be glorified this day. You are the one and only true God!
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